1 December 2021

Straight Talk with Prof Dorrington

Prof Dorrington shares with us her expert opinion on all matters related to the Pandemic in Straight Talk with Prof Dorrington. This social awareness campaign aimed to debunk common misbeliefs around Covid and the vaccination, and make accessible accurate information to the public in this series of interviews.  Trust me, you don’t want COVID-19. How […]

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20 July 2020

Launch of the SA/UK Antimicrobial Drug Discovery Hub

Read the full article here. “Rhodes University will lead an international research collaboration that seeks to discover and accelerate the development of new antibiotics. The three-year, £1.5 million project, funded by the Newton Fund through the Antibiotic Accelerator Initiative of the United Kingdom (UK) Medical Research Council (MRC) and South African (SA) MRC, aims to […]

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